Sunshine Gas Co-op

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the cost of gas higher than in previous years?
The price of natural gas is influenced by supply & demand, as are most commodities. Suppliers have greater access to markets due to pipeline expansion. Supply quite often cannot keep pace with demand, which raises the price of the commodity.
How much mark-up is there on the natural gas I use?
Natural gas is provided to Sunshine customers at cost. The Co-op does not profit from the gas you use.
How much does the Co-op make on the variable and fixed rate they charge for delivery of gas?
Sunshine is a member owned utility and delivery rates are set to ensure the Co-op can continue to operate by providing for maintenance and administration costs. Investor Owned utilities, on the other hand, make profits for their shareholders on the rates they charge.
Does the government have a program to offset high gas costs?
It is called the Natural Gas Price Protection Act. If the annual price exceeds an amount set by the government, the Minister has the discretion to recommend a rebate.
How much would a rebate program cost the Alberta government?
A $2 per gigajoule rebate to rural gas users would cost about $30 million. A province wide rebate about $300 million. This amount is small compared to the royalties the province is receiving.
How do I know my gas meter is accurate?
Gas meters are sealed measurement devices under the jurisdiction of Measurement Canada. The gas meters Sunshine Gas uses are removed and sent in for government inspection every six years. As well we are audited at random by Measurement Canada inspectors.

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